Honda Civic hybrid | Columbia, SC 29210 | JHMFA36238S025264 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2008  Honda  Civic Hybrid
VIN: JHMFA36238S025264

Recent Asking Price: $14,495
Estimated Payment: $242
Last Reported Mileage: 65,467
Exterior Color: Pewter
Interior Color: White

Vehicle located in Columbia, SC 29210
Vehicle Options
AM/FM,Adjustable Steering Wheel,Air Conditioning,Anti-lock Brakes,Anti-theft System,CD (Single Disc),Child Safety Locks,Cloth Upholstery,Compact Spare Tire,Cruise Control,Daytime Running Lights,Emergency Trunk Release,Floor Mats,Front Airbags (Dual),Front Side Airbags (Dual),Front and Rear Side Airbags,Intermittent Wipers,Keyless Entry,MP3,Power Locks,Power Mirrors,Power Outlet,Power Steering,Power Windows,Premium Wheels,Reading Lights,Rear Window Defroster,Remote Trunk Release,Spoiler,Steering Wheel Controls,Tire Pressure Monitoring System,Trip Computer,Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle,Vanity Mirror/Light,iPod Adapter

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